

What happens when we fill our minds with what other people are doing? How about filling our head with what others have said about us? When we do this, we leave little or no room to grow and make our own lives. We become bitter or jealous of that person because they offended us. I have struggled with allowing my perception on how others have treated me and allowing this to consume my mind. I say perception because we all interpret what is said to us differently. Somethings we can laugh off, but other things really hurt us. When we fill our minds with hurt, we become the victim. When we fill our minds with negativity, we become negative. When we allow what others say about us control our minds, we diminish ourselves. Sometimes we may never hear a sorry, but we cannot allow peoples words to control our lives.

What are you filling your mind with? Does it build you up or tear you down? How are you going to change this?

Somethings that help me to not hold on to negativity is having someone close to talk it out with. Just make sure you are not draining them and are there to listen to them! Energy flows two ways. Finding peace within myself has been the biggest help. Talking to myself and being my biggest motivator. We have more control than we think! Building others up is also a positive motivation. And finally, being in environments that you thrive in, as much as possible. You may be reading this and thinking well that’s easier said than done, and it is. This takes work. Allow yourself to let go of negatively and don’t be discouraged if it takes some time.

By bysusangrace

My name is Susan and I am a single mom with a passion to help others find their calm.